Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fire it up! Keep on going!

As a coach, I've been coaching rugby for quite sometime. Of all those years, I can say that this year the feeling is different. I've started to feel that I get more support than ever before from my friends, family and the school's administrative. I really feel moved by the call made by the state's MSSM Rugby Coordinator this morning telling me that MSSM will provide my school with more equipment for rugby. It is a moral boost for me and I promised myself that I'll work harder next year. To Mr. Asaari of SESMA, Mr. Izaimi of MRSMKT, Mr. Fadzli of SMK Lembah Bidong, Zul Stopa of SMTWT and not forgetting Mr. Aminuddin of SMK Sultan Ismail, Thanks for all your support! You guys gave me strength and courage to take this game to a higher level. To all you BRaInS Lightning Ruggers, lets work harder! We shall Strike! We shall conquer the game!

Naim The Cool Captain and Aidil The Fast Running Backline

Hakau (new version of haka!)

Getting ready for the showdown!

Just can't wait to get into the field

They may look small , they are more than meets the eyes

"We shall tear down their defences into pieces and make that try!"

To all the Lightning BRaInS! Thank you for your hardwork, We will never stop improving our team because We are always hunger to be better!


amiechomel said...

I wish I could watch the Hakau live! Hehe... Anyway, orang2 yang bernama Naim ni memang handsome2 ke? Err, that actually refers to the captain!

qai_nine taled naruto said...

wei,wei,wei.qaiyum lagi smart la!tembak kang!

qai_nine taled naruto said...

to naim>Jangan ler ganggu reputasi aku!

amiechomel said...

hehe... korang semua handsome and smart! just keep up the good attitude(in studying and "rugbying"), of course akan semakin terserlah ke"handsome"an itu.

bUd@k pEnY@s@T said...

woit...ak pn nk...hehehehe....erm...knl x ak spe???

bUd@k pEnY@s@T said...

salam sir....amcm ngn frenly ps kesuma dd x????

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